I’m limping back into the blogosphere and so I must resort to using some fodder from my personal life rather than the more universal themes like Aggie Football that I normally employ. So in weighing the twin evils of not blogging at all and blogging about what I had for breakfast, I’m venturing forth with these two personal revelations:
- I’m learning more about myself lately. I’m being revealed to myself through my job, my friendships (or lack of friendships), some new acquaintances, my sin, some reading, and a not-too-careful look at the way I spend my thoughts and deeds. Here’s one of many things I’ve discovered about myself: I desperately need to be soulful. I need to see beauty or art, hear music, play music, read something written with feeling, write something compelling. I need this daily. I don’t think most people feel this need. Most people look at me like a freak when I say something about it. But without those experiences, my soul gets dry and flaky and takes my mind with it.
- I sent my manuscript off today to the first agent who has asked to read the whole thing.