Thursday, July 07, 2005

Terrorism Pact

I heard some folks talking about this morning's London bombings on the radio on the way to work. They were debating whether this would strengthen the anti-terrorism sentiment or the anti-Blair sentiment in England. Thoughts?

Here's an idea: let's start circulating a pact that says, "If I'm ever taken hostage by a terrorist, just bomb us both!" We don't negotiate with terrorists. That's good. But what if millions of Americans had signed a document that said, "If I'm ever on a plane that is hijacked and may be used as a weapon, the U.S. military has my permission to destroy the plane." I guess this would only work with airplane hijacking because with other hostages, the terrorist isn't a threat to others. Ruthless idea, I know. Sounds like something Israel would do. I think I would sign it.


blizzardofoz said...

Ofcourse you'd sign such a document. You are not a freaking hostage! If you were a hostage, the last thing you want to do is die!

I think it would be pretty funny if all you guys sign this Terrorism Pact". I would love to see your faces when that situation actually arrives. I guarantee half of you will piss yourselves and regret signing some stupid document that hands over your life on a silver platter.

Lone Ranger said...

There is no need to sign such a document. Americans take that for granted. When you are a good guy, it's natural that the bad guys will want to kill you. Americans spilled their blood to smash Nazism. Americans spilled their blood to crush Japanese imperialism. Americans spilled their blood to turn back North Korean Stalinism. Americans spent wealth to topple Soviet Communism. Americans spilled blood to free 50 million Afghans and Iraqis. It's what we do. It's who we are. I think even a craven coward like Ted Kennedy -- who once killed a woman -- would grow a spine if put in that situation.

Unknown said...

Wow! What a diverse couple of posts. You guys should get together and have a drink!
Invite me. I want to watch!