Sunday, July 15, 2007


Talked with a Jehovah's Witness named Robert for almost half an hour yesterday in my driveway. I don't know why Robert's situation grieves me so much but I've been thinking about him and praying for him a lot since we talked. He says he'll come back to talk some more, but I kind-of expect that he was just saying that to get off my porch. It was pretty obvious that neither of us was going to change our minds. His theology seems awfully burdensome. I'm no expert on Jehovah's Witnesses, but if I understood him right, he believes that Jesus' sacrifice was not so much meant for propitiation and atonement as it was to "prove that created man can live a perfect life." In Robert's view, Jesus' life is only inspiring if he was fully man but not at all God. If he shared God's being, well then that would be cheating. Anyone who is God can live a sinless life. And so Jesus' sinless life is only to show us that it is possible to be perfect - to inspire us to do what he did. That must be an incredibly heavy burden to carry. I guess that's why I'm praying for Robert today. And why I'm soooo happy that God has afforded me teachers and opportunities to experience his grace. Heaven knows, if I had to "stand on my own two feet", as Robert said, I would be in serious trouble. Anyway, if you read this, say a prayer for Robert. I hope he comes back.

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