Friday, March 20, 2009

Remember Me?

Just felt like blogging for some very random reason today. And so here are a few very random things on my mind this morning:
  1. I love crisp, cool mornings. I really don't want to be inside right now.
  2. I love March Madness. I really don't want to be working right now.
  3. I have a funny habit of looking at my feet after I saw hi to someone in passing. I don't know why, but if I walk past you on the sidewalk or something, I'll say, "Hi" or "Mornin'" or "Sup" and then immediately look down. Seems weak and sheepish of me. Don't know why I do that.
  4. Talking with some close friends over breakfast this morning and I realized that I'm always saying the same thing - that our walk with Christ is not about behavior but about relationship, passion, desire. That the fruit of the spirit is FRUIT - byproduct. Will I ever get tired of making that point or hearing it made?

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