Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Shared Goals

My pastor is fond of saying, "We all want to get to the same place; we just disagree about how to get there." Usually he's talking about denominational divides when he says that, but I think it applies to the election too. It used to go without saying, but I've seen lots of venom in the public square lately, so I'm going to say it: We all want the same things. A better life for our kids — to be safe and free — to ensure that the under-represented, underprivileged, and under-resourced among us enjoy justice, protection and care. The same bright future is envisioned on both sides of the aisle. But this morning half of us woke up feeling that future is more possible than ever before and half of us woke up feeling that our hopes for such a future have been dashed. Let's be good winners and losers. But more importantly, let's realize we'll all lose if we can't find a way to talk about "how to get there" without name-calling and mistrust.

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