Thursday, March 09, 2006

Crazy Christians make the Non-Newspaper in New York

From the February 2 New York Times:

Evangelical Filmmakers Criticized for Hiring Gay Actor
Christian ministers were enthusiastic at the early private screenings of "End of the Spear," made by Every Tribe Entertainment, an evangelical film company. But...on Jan. 12, though, the Rev. Jason Janz took the filmmakers to task for casting Chad Allen, an openly gay man and an activist, in the movie's lead role...An assistant pastor at the independent Red Rocks Baptist Church in Denver, Mr. Janz posted his comments on his fundamentalist Christian Web site,

Two things about this story make me crazy:
1. The nutty Christians lambasting someone for hiring a gay actor. Isn't this just what Jesus wants us to do - hire, work with, get to know lost people? Think of it, by acting in this film, this guy is helping to spread the gospel. Beautiful. Of course the other way to look at this is from a pragmatic standpoint - I wonder which is harder to find: a not-gay actor or a not-nutty Christian!
2. The New York Times gatekeeping here is atrocious. As far as I can tell, this story is about some mildly unpleasant comments on a very obscure blog. Can someone tell me what makes this news? Hey, New York Times: Guess what. This very day, there have been thousands of highly offensive posts on thousands of blogs - some incendiary. Some even treasonous. I suspect that this particular heretofore-anonymous-person-with-a-keyboard could have said the sky is falling and Neela Banerjee would have never paid attention. But it's fun to pick on nutty Christians. If this is all it takes to make news, I expect a front page story in tomorrow's edition about my blog! Heck, for that I'll even say that something whacky...Oprah is the antichrist!...I sold my sould to Dirk Nowitzki!..."Friends" was a good TV show!

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