Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Lenten Lesson #1

Well, it has taken two weeks for me to learn something, but I think I realized my first Lenten lesson this week. It has been a turbulent week in my family – for reasons I won’t discuss here. And in all the stress, I’ve found myself wanting to “escape” to Starbucks or to the woods or a café (all my typical “escape” places) with a cup of coffee. I came to realize I rely on coffee to deal with life. I’m not sure why coffee has any impact on my ability to handle stress, but it does. I think it has to do with my pace of life. You can’t be in a hurry with a cup of coffee in your hand. It’s hard to stress while sitting at a sidewalk café with a cup of coffee. But now, without coffee, I’m left to dealing with problems through prayer. Imagine that. I can either bury my nose in work or hobby or project and ignore stressors, or I can pause, breathe deep, and take them to the Lord. I'm trying to do the latter.

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