Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Dinner Conversation

A transcript of a conversation I had tonight while trying to make small talk with my three-year-old over dinner:

Daddy: So, Bethany, you had a big day. You went to the gym, then to the store, then played on the swings, then had lunch, then rode your tricycle. What was your favorite part?

BG: The gym.

Daddy: Really? Not the swings? Why do you like the gym so much?

BG: Because they spit.

Daddy: Who spits?

BG (sheepishly): Zachary. (Her brother)

Daddy: Zachary spits? Where does he spit?

BG: Right on the carpet. Can I have some more fish sticks?

Monday, March 05, 2007

Churning It Out

Since the day I graduated from college, the one thing that I have prayed most often for is productivity. I pray to bear fruit. I pray for a productive day at work, a productive week, a productive career. I pray for help in getting things done, reaching goals, achieving, clearing to-do lists. I pray for ministries to be productive and efficient in their benevolence and proclamation. I pray for our kids to learn things, reach milestones, become more self-sufficient and productive.

More importantly, I feel less valuable and more frustrated with life when I’m not productive. If I can stay on top of work assignments, working out, ministry, family time, etc. then I feel like I’m doing what the Lord wants. I’m producing. I’m getting things done. But when interruptions, setbacks or delays occur, it frustrates me.

This morning could not have been less productive. I got zero done. I gave up and went to a park with the kids. Even that didn’t count as “checking off” quality time from my list since the kids didn’t have that great a time and Zach barfed while riding on my shoulders (yeah – get that picture in your head.)

I guess my point is, I wonder if I’m too worried about getting things done. Life isn’t an assembly line.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Old Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 4:15-24 is about idols - it's Moses warning Israel not to worship idols when they cross over into Canaan without him. and then in verse 24 - after all the idol talk (ba-dump-bum) - he says, "For the Lord your God is a consuming fire."

I've never thought of that consuming fire reference in juxtaposition with idolatry. But it makes sense. God wants to consume me. He wants me to be consumed with his glory. Like the way I get when I get a new gadget or hobby - he wants me to be distracted by Him, my thoughts captivated by him (2 Cor. 10:5 in a new light) so that no earthly thing consumes more thought or threatens to be an idol. And so that earthly blessings, when they do come, are gifts to be grateful for - moments of blessing - not achievements to be proud of or desires finally fulfilled. Instead, if I've been consumed with God, then all earthly blessings are just langiappe - happy accidents, serendipitous blessings - not hard-fought medals that don't last. And so I can focus my hard-fighting on things that do last.