I've never thought of that consuming fire reference in juxtaposition with idolatry. But it makes sense. God wants to consume me. He wants me to be consumed with his glory. Like the way I get when I get a new gadget or hobby - he wants me to be distracted by Him, my thoughts captivated by him (2 Cor. 10:5 in a new light) so that no earthly thing consumes more thought or threatens to be an idol. And so that earthly blessings, when they do come, are gifts to be grateful for - moments of blessing - not achievements to be proud of or desires finally fulfilled. Instead, if I've been consumed with God, then all earthly blessings are just langiappe - happy accidents, serendipitous blessings - not hard-fought medals that don't last. And so I can focus my hard-fighting on things that do last.
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