Sunday, August 19, 2012

Bad Writing Is No Different

Don't tell me what's not different about your subject.

How many times have you read a lead like this:

"Everyone needs a challenge, and Sally was no different."
"Everyone needs love, and Harry was no different."
"Every Cowboys fan is familiar with disappointment; Jerry was no different."

Today I read the following paragraph in, ironically, a blog for writers:

"We all long for community. For family and friends. We were made to experience life in the context of groups to which we belong. We all need a loyal "band of brothers [or sisters]" to embrue us for who we are. Writers are no different."

Here's the problem: your readers aren't interested in reading about the mundane or common place. In fact, a story is only worth telling if it is NOT common. News is only news if it is unusual. "Dog Bites Man" isn't news; "Man Bites Dog" is. When was the last time you saw a news headline declaring:

Sun Rises, Warms Earth

You haven't. No one has ever written that story because it's not worth reading. Stop telling your readers to tune out by telling them how unremarkable your article will be.

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