Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Conflicting Idea

Here's another way communication technology is hindering communication — it makes it easier for us to demonize our opponents.

This week I have had disagreements with political opponents and with my homeowners association. Neither disagreement happened in person. Neither included a handshake or a cup of coffee. And both have led to significant stress and tension. I just can't help but think that those discussions would have gone better if I could have sat down with the other party and looked them in the eye. It's easy to deny requests, suspect motives, and even call names when there's no relational impact to those actions, when you don't have to face the person you're insulting. Facebook, email, telephones, even postal mail are all poor forums for conflict.

So are passing lanes. I know a young man who lost his sight and almost lost his life because of the road rage of someone he had never met. Would that angry driver have shot someone who cut in line at Starbucks instead of on an exit ramp? Probably not. Like communications media, cars make us anonymous and therefore more easily "othered".

Maybe Jesus had it right when he said, “If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you."

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