Tuesday, June 25, 2013


I love this description of Sabbath so I'm going to write it again: Sabbath is a reminder that we are human. Psalm 121:4 says that God never sleeps. But we do. We have to. Have you ever known anyone who never slept? I have. They were called architecture majors. They weren't human. But for the rest of us, we have to rest. Every night we get this reminder that we aren't God. And once a week we need to purposefully rest.

That's harder than it sounds. The age-old temptation — the one that tempted Eve in the garden — is to pretend that we are God, to behave like we don't have those limitations. So we work seven days a week. We work nights. We refuse to be quiet. We think, "I'll just get through this busy time and then take a break" while we ingrain the habit of ignoring our nature and God's design.

Sabbath is a discipline that saves us from that. Sabbath is codified humility.

What about you? Are you practicing sane rhythms or work and rest?

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