Monday, April 03, 2006

Modeling Minds

I could use a good role model.

I went to the University of Dallas today at lunch because it's a good, close place to sit on a park bench and eat a sandwich (actually today it was burrito). Watching the college students walk to class reminded me of my college days.

At the same time, I was reading some John Ortberg. He was talking about all the worldly things we expose our minds to - not necessarily evil things, but just idle, wasted things. His analogy was car fuel. If you were going to race in the Indy 500, you wouldn't fill your tank with 87 octane regular unleaded from the corner Tetco. You'd get good stuff to run on. But we face the most important race of our lives every day and seem content to run on regular. That's not to mention the real pollutants we sometimes expose ourselves to (immorality, violence, hate, heresy). Those, I guess, would be like putting water in your gas tank.

So the combination of the gas tank analogy and the college campus made me realize this: I could use some good role models. I don't mean Billy Graham or the Apostle Paul or my dad. Those are great role models, but not what I'm thinking. I remember my college days when there were several people, just a few years older than me, who seemed to me to "have it all together." Of course, they probably didn't, but at least they were trying. These guys were wholeheartedly and foolishly pursuing God's best. They protected and cultivated their minds. They paid attention to the issues of their hearts and others. They were committed to renewing their minds and engaging their culture. They exuded a peace that gave a glimpse of their passionate, private love affair with God. They gave me a pattern, direction, model to emulate.

I don't think there's anyone in my life like that right now. Certainly, I have plenty of Christian friends who are committed to God and family. But I kind-of miss that counter-cultur-ish fellowship of joyful fools.

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