Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Travel Log

OK, so the promised Kansas City travel report never really materialized. Suffice it to say that KCMO is a really cool city. If you go, shop the Plaza and get yourself some "burnt ends" from Gates. KCK, however, is more like the Sunni Triangle than the midwest. I was a little worried that I forgot to pack my nine. Also, Topeka is a toilet - a city composed entirely of muffler shops, thrift stores, and a capitol building. Go figure.

On a personal note, got to have dinner with an old friend who now lives in KC. Ty and Amy have a beautiful baby named Eleanor Grace. And Ty has a beautiful bike shop basement complete with potty and shower, huge work bench, couch, TV/trainer station, and closet. (Well, the closet is really a coatrack.) I'm so jealous.

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