Monday, June 05, 2006

No Finals Yet

If you've read this blog much over the past few weeks you know that it's been very Mavs-intensive. So you would expect the first post after the Mavs win the West to be about basketball. But I met a family yesterday whose character trumps basketball.

Ellen (my sister-in-law) moved to an apartment in Irving a couple of months ago and is still getting settled. A doctor who she works with is moving to North Carolina and offered to give her some furniture. I went over to the doc's condo yesterday to help Ellen move the stuff. When we got there, I learned that this was not a case of a rich doctor giving away junky old stuff to get new stuff.

First of all, the furniture was very nice. Had they sold it, I'm sure they could have collected $500 or so. But instead, they said, they decided to "give it to someone who could use it."

And the doctor is also an Army emergency medic, paratrooper, and police SWAT medic. He regularly goes along on Irving SWAT jobs to attend to wounded officers or suspects. He, his pregnant wife, and two-year-old son are moving to Ft. Bragg because Uncle Sam has "requested" such. And next month, he will leave for a tour in Iraq.

He helped us load, haul, unload, and set up the furniture and when I thanked him profusely as he was leaving, he said, "It was the right thing to do." Something tells me that the good doctor does a lot of the things because "it's the right thing to do."

I'll probably never see that family again, but it's encouraging to have met them and know they're out there.

Be safe, doc.

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